Congressional Progressive Caucus

Congressional Progressive Caucus Rallies On The House Floor For Solidarity For Striking UAW Members

How The Progressive Caucus Became Progressive

Congressional Progressive Caucus on Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Video

Progressives hold power in the House. Here’s why their policies aren’t sailing through.

Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus hold a presser on the debt ceiling talks

BREAKING NEWS: Congressional Progressive Caucus Holds Press Briefing As Debt Limit Deadline Nears

Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Strikes Back Against Austerity

BREAKING: Progressive Caucus Holds Presser After Meeting With Biden On Build Back Better Bill

Congressional Progressive Caucus Special Order

Rep. Nadler Introduces the Congressional Progressive Caucus' 'Better Off' Budget

A Foreign Policy Platform for the Congressional Progressive Caucus

House Progressive Caucus leadership hold a press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act

House Democrats hold a news conference on situation in Iraq and Iran – 1/8/2020

Congressional Progressive Caucus Ad-Hoc Hearing

Rep. Jimmy Gomez on the Congressional Progressive Caucus' Progressive Proposition Agenda

Congressional Progressive Caucus Remarks on Eve of #TrumpCare Vote

House Progressive Caucus 'Optimistic' After Spending Bill Talks With President Biden

House Progressive Caucus leadership hold a press conference on the Inflation Reduction Act

Pelosi asked about progressive caucus dissension on BIF vote

Congressional Progressive Caucus: We Can't Let Partisan Politics Fail Americans

Congressional Progressive Caucus on Republican Shutdown

Nina Turner BETRAYED By Progressive Caucus

Progressive Caucus Chair Holds Firm That Both Bills Must Be Passed Together

House Progressive Caucus Speaks About Leaked Supreme Court Opinion During Special Hour Session